Category: Active and Healthy Living

Mouthguards are easily purchased at pharmacies and sporting goods shops. Even discount stores now sell a brand of mouthguard. Whether or not these mouthguards are effective is another matter. The most effective and comfortable type of mouthguard is customized to fit the patient.

Patients often ask which is better, the interdental brush or dental floss. The answer to this question is more nuanced than simply ranking one tool over the other. Both methods of cleaning between the teeth have their advantages.

Invisalign uses clear aligners to correct imperfect teeth and arches. Although treatment usually provides great benefits to sleep apnea patients, what happens if they are already wearing an oral appliance to improve their breathing? Here we answer patient questions by describing how this problem is resolved.

If a patient breaks or loses a metal filling, what should they do with the broken amalgam? Herein we discuss why mercury amalgam should be disposed of properly at a dental office and how to bring the amalgam to your dentist.

A morning cup of coffee is routine for many Americans, but what constitutes a "cup of coffee" anymore? Do the coffee drinks of today have much in common with the phrase "one lump or two," and how does that affect the oral health?

Interproximal reduction, or IPR, is a dental technique used to create space between the teeth. Since it involves removing some of the enamel, many patients worry about its consequences. How much is removed? What does that represent? Why is it typically done?

Dental amalgam may contain mercury, but it is still considered safe by both the American Dental Association and the Food and Drug Administration. Nevertheless, there are patients that the Sacramento Dentistry Group does not consider good candidates for use of dental amalgam.

Products from the neem tree are traditionally used in its indigenous country of India for oral hygiene. Now its observed anti-inflammatory properties are being touted for pain treatment, including that caused by TMJ syndrome. What is indicated by the scientific literature and have any reputable human studies been performed?

Many people drink decaffeinated beverages for various reasons — to avoid insomnia, to lower their blood pressure, and simply to avoid caffeine. Will such steps also help to keep their teeth whiter? The answers lie in understanding the ingredients that cause tooth stains.

Patients with dentures worry about various types of delicious foods, including cherries, staining their false teeth. Unfortunately, this fear has a solid basis in fact! Nevertheless, patients can still enjoy healthy foods and white dentures. This article explains what causes such staining from cherries and how to handle it.

Polyphenols provided by cranberries are believed to have benefits for oral health and studies also appear to back up this claim. What are some potential consequences of a high cranberry diet in the United States?

Pains or aches in the mouth can unfortunately be caused by many different problems, each with its own solution. It takes an experienced dentist to diagnose the cause of mouth pain. Any type of mouth pain warrants a trip to the dentist to determine its source.

Lip piercings are a common form of jewelry, but they come with side effects. Can one of these side effects be bad breath? The Sacramento Dentistry Group uses its history with patient visitations and research to answer this question.

Mouthguards regularly prevent sports injuries around the world. Their necessity is seldom questioned, but is a customized mouthguard really essential? Why mouthguards are needed and why customizing is effective are discussed in this article.

Tori or tori mandibulares represent a subject of increasing interest on the Internet. What are they? What causes them? And do people need to worry about them? This article answers these questions.

Patients ask if there is such a thing as brushing too much. The truth is that even a good thing can be done to excess. Various factors are involved in deciding how much is too much, and these are discussed in this article.

Many dental patients are unaware of the high acid content of many common beverages, such as sodas, fruit juices, sweet teas and sport drinks. This press release presents the average numbers for the most common classes of drinks and provides solutions to prevent damage to tooth enamel.

Dental extractions today are far different from the teeth pulling of the past. With modern anesthetics and sedation techniques, the patient does not even have to feel any pain or be awake during the procedure. This article explains the tools used to extract teeth and what is done to replace them afterwards.

Many people spend significant money and time on over-the-counter tooth whitening products. They're in mouthwash, dental floss, toothpaste and kits. Are these whiteners worth the time and price?

A client recently asked the question of whether tap water was safe for use when brushing their teeth. This article addresses this question and points out the benefits of tap water for both drinking and oral hygiene.

What does a healthy tongue look like? What are signs of disease in the tongue? What can I do to keep my tongue healthy? All of these questions are considered in this article about the characteristics of a healthy tongue.
Sleep apnea is a disorder that affects more than twelve million Americans, many of them suffering through the problem undiagnosed. A potentially life-threatening sleep disorder, apnea episodes stop regular breathing during sleep.

July 11th and 12th mark Invisalign Days at the Sacramento Dentistry Group. On these two days, free consultations and Invisalign workups accompany discounts and prizes to go with this novel and advanced orthodontic treatment system.