Category: Lifestyles

A morning cup of coffee is routine for many Americans, but what constitutes a "cup of coffee" anymore? Do the coffee drinks of today have much in common with the phrase "one lump or two," and how does that affect the oral health?

Pains or aches in the mouth can unfortunately be caused by many different problems, each with its own solution. It takes an experienced dentist to diagnose the cause of mouth pain. Any type of mouth pain warrants a trip to the dentist to determine its source.

Lip piercings are a common form of jewelry, but they come with side effects. Can one of these side effects be bad breath? The Sacramento Dentistry Group uses its history with patient visitations and research to answer this question.

Patients ask if there is such a thing as brushing too much. The truth is that even a good thing can be done to excess. Various factors are involved in deciding how much is too much, and these are discussed in this article.