Many people enjoy drinking soda, so why do dentists so routinely condemn it? This article highlights the two main problems with soft drinks as it relates to tooth decay. Solutions to the problem beyond cutting the soda habit are mentioned.
SACRAMENTO, Calif., March 6, 2018 (Newswire.com) - Soda, pop, soft drinks — they are called by many names, but dentists routinely condemn them all as bad for your teeth. The problem is, these beverages taste rather good, and are therefore very popular. So it comes as no surprise that a client recently asked the Sacramento Dentistry Group: “But why is soda so bad for your teeth?” The answer is two-fold and represents one of the greatest threats to teeth.
The First Problem with Soda
The main issue with soft drinks is their high sugar content. The oral bacteria that create plaque, decay and cavities thrive on pure sugar, and soda contains lots of it — dozens of heaping teaspoons in every twelve-ounce can and sixteen-ounce bottle. Many people drink multiple sodas over the course of a day, sipping on it constantly. This bathes the teeth in sugar, providing damaging bacteria with all the food they need to thrive and destroy enamel.
The problems with this sugar can be limited only by reducing the amount of soda consumed. It also helps to only drink soda while eating a meal, instead of constantly sipping it over a long period of time. Of course, there is the sugar-free soda option, and here is the best place to discuss the second big dental problem with soda.
It’s Not Just the Sugar
The other problem that comes with drinking too much soda is its high acid content. When bacteria process sugar, they produce acid as a byproduct. This acid is what wears away the enamel. Drinking sugar-free sodas may eliminate the sugar problem, but it simply substitutes bacterial acid with soft drink acid. The effect is the same.
Limiting the damage caused by acid on the teeth requires drinking plenty of water after consuming acidic beverages. The same advice about avoiding continuous sipping applies to sugar-free drinks too. They may not feed the bacteria, but such drinks do just as good a job of destroying enamel as oral microorganisms.
Staying hydrated throughout the day is important, but it’s best done with plain water, not soda, sports drinks, sweet tea or juices. Applying this principle will help teeth remain strong and healthy throughout a patient’s lifetime. For more answers to dental questions, contact the friendly dentists at the Sacramento Dentistry Group or visit their website at sacramentodentistry.com.
Source: Sacramento Dentistry Group