Many people need a mouthguard at night to prevent damage from bruxism, the unconscious grinding of the teeth that happens while some people try to sleep. Unfortunately, if a mouthguard doesn't fit well, sleep can be hard to find. Here is a solution.
SACRAMENTO, Calif., May 2, 2018 (Newswire.com) - SACRAMENTO, Calif., May 2, 2018 (Newswire) -When patients grind their teeth during sleep, they need what is popularly called a mouthguard, or nightguard. Without it, the tremendous forces exerted by constantly clenched teeth rapidly wear down the enamel. Jaw pain, neck pain, morning headache — all of these symptoms can accompany nighttime bruxism, the official word for teeth grinding. A mouthguard both protects the teeth and softens the effect of clenching. For some people, it stops the grinding altogether. So if a person must wear a mouthguard at night, what is the best kind for getting a good night’s sleep?
Nothing Better than a Custom Mouthguard
Many people buy clothes “off the rack,” because tailored clothes are more expensive. For the same reason, some bruxism patients purchase a mouthguard at the pharmacy, instead of a custom-made mouthguard from their dentist. Just as clothes that come in small, medium and large may fit well or may barely fit, generic mouthguards suffer the same problem. At night, these faults become apparent, as the mouthguard is easily dislodged and the disturbed person wakes up with “this plastic thing” in their mouth.
Therefore, the best mouthguard for sleeping is a custom mouthguard. A good night’s sleep is very important for maintaining overall health. Without it, people quickly start to suffer in the daytime. Custom mouthguards guarantee the good sleep that people need.
First, custom mouthguards fit well and only come loose if deliberately removed. Second, when a mouthguard fits, it helps prevent the unconscious grinding, chewing and clenching that can get very noisy at night. A mouthguard that is loose tends to encourage nighttime bruxism, the very opposite of its purpose.
Mouthguards come in both hard plastic and soft plastic, or a mix of the two. A consultation with the dentists at the Sacramento Dentistry Group can determine what type is best for certain patients. The harder type is longer lasting and better at preventing damage from bruxism. Some patients, however, are less likely to unconsciously manipulate a softer nightguard. For many, a little experience is necessary to determine the best type of custom mouthguard. Once the decision is firmly made, however, many good nights of sleep are bound to follow!
For more information about custom mouthguards and an idea of pricing with or without dental insurance, contact the Sacramento Dentistry Group online or by calling 916-538-6900.
Source: Sacramento Dentistry Group